Header Ad

Shown on all pages excluding Homepage (Featured Businesses and Customized Advertising only) and Advertising Options pages. Shared with two other ads. Free ad design included.* $299/3 months

Banner Ad

Shown on all pages excluding the above mentioned. Shared with two other ads. Free ad design included.* $245/3 months

Sidebar Ad

Shown on all pages excluding the above mentioned. Shared rotation of ads. Free ad design included.* $395/year

*Maximum of 3 edits. $25 for each additional edit.

Once ordered, please send your event details and images to ads to advertise@iheartmilton.com.

Although it rarely happens, we reserve the right to decline any listings that are deemed inappropriate for our brand, website, or platform. In the unlikely event this occurs and you’ve already placed your order, a full refund will be issued at the time the event or membership is declined.